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Moe Berg Alliance Française medal
Alliance francaise
Moe Berg Alliance Française medal

Alliance francaise

Biography"Alliance française[1] or AF (French: Alliance française, French pronunciation: ​[aljɑ̃s fʁɑ̃sɛz]; The French Alliance), is an international organization that aims to promote the French language and francophone culture around the world. Created in Paris on 21 July 1883 under the name Alliance française pour la propagation de la langue nationale dans les colonies et à l'étranger (French alliance for the propagation of the national language in the colonies and abroad) — now known simply as L'Alliance française — its primary concern is teaching French as a second language and is headquartered in Paris.[2] In 2014, the Alliance has 850 centers in 137 countries, on each inhabited continent.[3]"--Wikipedia, 2021